歌碑3「桜の花」-高岡市万葉歴史館 屋上庭園Monument No.3 “The cherry blossom” -Rooftop Garden of the Takaoka Manyo Historical Museum

北陸道[Hokurikudō]富山県[Toyama Prefecture]


Although the poem states very little directly, it conveys a sumptuous world of beauty: the poet marking a tree in anticipation of seeing the lovely blossoms there, the sense of fulfillment upon seeing the blossoms in bloom, and the lovely setting of the cherry blossom tree blooming on the peak.

mikka ni kami Ōtomo no sukune Yakamochi no yakata ni utage suru uta sanshu


kyou no tame to


omoite shimesi


ashihiki no


ono ueno sakura


kaku sakinikeri


Ōtomo no yakamochi



How it blooms
on the mountain peak—
the cherry blossom tree
upon which I tied
a marker for today.

Original Text of the Man'yōshū万葉集原文

三日 守大伴宿禰家持之館宴歌三首
今日之為等 思標之 足引乃 峯上之櫻 如此開尓家里




The cherry blossom



 桜の花を期待して印をつけたこと、花が咲いたときの達成感、そして山頂に咲いた桜の木の美しい姿など、具体的に描写してはいないのに、贅沢な美の世界が伝わってくる。 高岡市万葉歴史館の屋上庭園に歌碑が立つ。

(解説 ピーター・J・マクミラン)



This is poem number 4151 of the Man’yōshū. The Man’yōshū is the oldest existing collection of poetry in Japan compiled, over a period of around 130 years from the first part of the 7th Century to the latter part of the 8th century and consists of over 4,500 poems. The author of this poem is Ōtomo no Yakamochi.


Book 19 of the Man’yōshū begins with twelve poems composed between the first and the third day of the third month (mid-April) of 750. These poems are known as “Etchū Shūgin” (Splendid Poems of Etchū) and are some of the most highly regarded poems from Yakamochi’s time in Etchū. The present poem comes directly after the “Etchū Shūgin” and is the first of three poems (poems no. 4151 to 4153) that depict a banquet held on the third day.
 This poem was composed on the third day of the third month. On this day the Winding Stream Poetry Party (Kyokusui no En), often depicted in Chinese poetry, was held. During this party, poems were read while the participants floated sake cups (sakazuki) in the small stream in the garden.
 Although one can interpret this poem as a depiction of the cherry blossoms that were on display at the banquet, it can also be interpreted as depicting the cherry blossoms on Mount Futagami, which could be seen from the banquet hall. Poems 4151 to 4153 all use the word “today” in them, illustrating how much Yakamochi was looking forward to the banquet. Although the poem states very little directly, it conveys a sumptuous world of beauty: the poet marking a tree in anticipation of seeing the lovely blossoms there, the sense of fulfillment upon seeing the blossoms in bloom, and the lovely setting of the cherry blossom tree blooming on the peak. This waka stone monument is located in the roof garden of the Takaoka Manyo Historical Museum.

(English Translation and Commentary by Peter Macmillan)


Original Text
of the Monument

今日のためと 思ひて標めし
 あしひきの 峰の上の桜 かく咲きにけり
 (19 四一五一 ) 大伴家持

寄贈 : 高岡西ロータリークラブ 

Donation : The Rotary Club of Takaoka West


Erected in 1994




1-11-11 Fushiki Ichinomiya, Takaoka, Toyama
Rooftop garden of the Takaoka Manyo Historical Museum